Wind has lived for many years in various countries, on three continents, and he is a native-level speaker of English and French. He has trained in meditation, group and retreat work for over twenty years, and has now been leading meditation retreats for the last six years. He has also worked as a psychotherapist for a total of seventeen years, helping people from all backgrounds with challenges such as anxiety, depression, life transitions, grief and PTSD.
In addition to his professional roles, Wind is also a husband, father, uncle and citizen. In counselling and at retreats, Wind has seen many people go through major changes, and transform their lives in ways they did not think were possible. He feels very grateful to work in the healing professions and to help people transform their difficulties and find greater well-being in their lives.
“It points to the truth that we are all related, that we are all connected, that we all belong to each other … ALL my relations. That means every person, just as it means every rock, mineral, blade of grass, and creature. We live because everything else does. If we were to choose to collectively live that teaching, the energy of our change of consciousness would heal each of us - and heal the planet.”
- Richard Wagamese